Shop Online Leadership Courses in The Extreme Ownership Academy

Discover a wide range of leadership training and development skills through online leadership courses at The Extreme Ownership Academy. Empower yourself and your team to achieve your leadership goals, hone your management skills, improve your team performance, and transform your life by developing the essential Extreme Ownership Leadership Princples.

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How to Build Relationships

How to Build Relationships

Your frustrations and obstacles are all rooted in the lack of trust built with the people around you. Whether building a cohesive team or nurturing the bonds of those closest to you, Jocko and Dave will teach you the four keys to unlocking successful, gratifying relationships that foster teamwork and secure lifelong connections. The meaningful relationships you cultivate, initiate, and maintain will directly contribute to your level of success.


Jocko Willink
Dave Berke


2 Hours



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The Indirect Approach

The Indirect Approach

Teams often struggle to create plans and communicate when egos attempt to control and direct others. Through the indirect approach, Jocko Willink and Dave Berke help you ask the right questions so that your team can create strategies and achieve success.  


Jocko Willink
Dave Berke


1.5 Hours



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The Debrief

The Debrief

Your team’s repetitive mistakes cost you time, money, and stagnation. By reviewing the team’s performance with the Debrief, you can effectively give feedback to celebrate your wins while catching common errors and preventing them from occurring.


Jocko Willink
Carlos Mendez


0.5 Hours



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The Readback

The Readback

Minor miscommunications and a lack of clarity can quickly snowball into big problems. Jocko Willink and Carlos Mendez will teach you how to utilize Readback, an effective communication tool that enables you to catch, communicate, and correct your mistakes so your team can reach its fullest potential. 


Jocko Willink
Carlos Mendez


0.5 Hours



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