Extreme Ownership for Middle Management


As a Middle Manager, you must balance competing priorities to meet your bosses’ demands, inspire your team, and get the job done. With this role-specific course by Jocko and Dave, you’ll gain influence over the people up and down the chain of command, so you can progress your organization’s culture, direction, and mission.  



SKU: EOA-MMT Category:


Extreme Ownership for Middle Management

Middle management is one of the most challenging and complex roles that a person will find themselves in. Often promoted from within, these individuals were superstars in their previous positions but now lack the leadership skills necessary to be successful in their new roles. Being a middle manager requires effectively leading up, down, and across the chain of command and demands the ability to balance the directives from those above with the concerns and needs of those below. In this course, you will learn how to use the principles of Extreme Ownership in your unique role as a middle manager. You will learn to lead a high-performance team and positively influence the organization’s culture and direction.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize the challenges to plan for when transitioning from individual contributor to a leadership role.
  • Create alignment between your team and your executive leaders.
  • Effectively balance the dichotomies of leadership that are unique to middle management.

    Time Investment: 1.5 Hours

    Course Completion Rewards:

    • Credly Badge for use on LinkedIn profile, Email signature, Resume, and more.
    • Printable certificate
    • 1.5 SHRM Professional Development Credits (PDCs)

    Learning Modules Included:

    • Course Introduction
    • New to Middle Management
    • Laws of Combat for Middle Management
    • Application Exercises
    • 2 Quizzes