Learn More about upcoming sessions of The Classroom







Session Length: 1.5 Hour Sessions Twice per Week

Duration : 2 Weeks

Class Size : Under 25 Students

Effort: 6-10 Hours per Week

Format: 100% Online

Model: Instructor-Led


What You Will Learn

Who Should Enroll



Learning how to lead effectively can be a daunting task. The challenges leaders face today, like retention, hiring, effective communication, competing priorities, a remote workforce, work-life balance, and many others, are difficult to navigate. This certificate program is designed to equip you with the fundamental skills of Extreme Ownership that will help you start successfully tackling all of your leadership challenges. Our highly experienced instructors will introduce you to the 4 critical leadership behaviors needed to begin leading your teams more effectively. You’ll learn how to build a cohesive team through strong relationships, ensure alignment through simple, clear, and concise communication, properly manage your priorities and follow through on execution, and empower those around you to accomplish goals.

These courses are offered in order over 2 weeks. Each instructor will have set dates and times each week during which they will meet with the participants. Recordings will be made available to attendees after each session.

This program also includes a year of free access to Extreme Ownership 101 on the Extreme Ownership Academy! 


CLASSROOM 003 : NOV 6TH - NOV 15TH, 2024

Nov 6th | 10:00 – 11:30 AM CST

Nov 8th | 10:00 – 11:30 AM CST

Nov 13th | 10:00 – 11:30 AM CST

Nov 15th| 10:00 – 11:30 AM CST

CLASSROOM 004: NOV 5TH - NOV 14TH, 2024

Nov 5th | 1:00 – 2:30 PM CST

Nov 7th | 1:00 – 2:30 PM CST

Nov 12th | 1:00 – 2:30 PM CST

Nov 14th| 1:00 – 2:30 PM CST

*For alternative payment methods, please email us at




At its core, Cover and Move is simply teamwork. It is obvious that for people to be successful, they must work as a team. However, most organizations only focus on working well together inside of their project team, department, or small group. For the entire organization to truly be successful, all teams, departments, divisions, elements, etc. must work together. This requires a change in mentality – a realization that if the team fails, everyone fails. To create this type of environment, the division between those groups must be dissolved. This can only be accomplished through building relationships. During this course, the instructors will walk you through the importance of Cover and Move. You will also be asked to complete interactive activities to help create an action plan for beginning to build more effective relationships across departments.

  • Define Cover and Move
  • Identify silos within your organization
  • Evaluate the health of your relationships up, down, and across the organization
  • A strategy for building better relationships

Effective communication is a constant struggle for any human being that interacts with another human being (how we define a leader). However, this becomes difficult because people lose sight of the goal of communication – to confirm that the other person understands. In this course, we will teach you to shift your communication goal to ensuring alignment instead of being heard. You will learn how to simplify the missions, the plans, and the way you communicate. To do this, you have to first have a relationship (Cover and Move) with the other person so that you better understand how to effectively communicate with them. Then, you can modulate your communication methods to that person. Finally, the instructors will teach you how to correctly use a readback to ensure alignment.

  • Define Simple
  • A strategy for simplifying missions and plans
  • Identify communication gaps and how to address them
  • Correct application of a readback

Once you have established a simple mission and plan, you have to execute on those plans. But it’s not just one plan or project you’re dealing with. Leaders are constantly managing a multitude of priorities at the same time while also dealing with the perpetual “fires” that arise on any given day. In this course, we teach you how to properly prioritize and effectively execute through a key tactic of detachment. As humans, we are naturally driven by our emotions, and while we should never be emotionless when we make emotional decisions, we don’t make the right decisions. The instructors will focus on teaching you how to detach in the moment to prioritize the highest impact task and get it done while also providing strategies for consistently staying aligned to the overall goals of the organization in daily tasks.

  • Define Prioritize & Execute
  • Recognize red flags that indicate a need to detach
  • Apply detachment techniques to properly prioritize
  • Identify priorities based on alignment with overall strategic objectives

Even if you have incredible relationships, outstanding communication skills, and are masterful at handling priorities, you can’t do everything. And as a leader, you should not be doing everything. This final course focuses on how to correctly empower those around you to lead. By learning how to give others ownership over plans and execution, you will learn how to get people to effectively perform and solve problems at their level. The instructors will focus on the importance of explaining the why and setting up proper parameters and expectations while giving the team as much ownership as possible over projects to ensure Decentralized Command. As a takeaway, each participant will ensure they have a clearly defined mission statement (the ultimate why) to which they can align the team and set the conditions for the team to begin executing on their own.

  • Define Decentralized Command
  • Identify guard rails and parameters within which your team can operate independently
  • Evaluate your understanding of the why and create an action plan for ensuring alignment on that why throughout your team
  • Create a mission statement for your team


Yes! Access to these recordings will be available on the Extreme Ownership Academy site under The Classroom on your course page.
Great question! This is a personal preference based on your availability for either session. Likewise, both Jamie and Dave have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share. Review their bios for specifics or reach out to us with questions.




NOV 6th - NOV 15th, 2024



Jamie Cochran joined Leif Babin and Jocko Willink as the first employees at Echelon Front in 2014. She quickly expanded her initial role as Director of Operations and was named Chief Operating Officer in early 2021.

After earning her degree in Business Marketing and Communications, Jamie served in leadership positions in several organizations including Glacier Bay, a boutique hedge fund as the Client Relations Director; San Diego State University as a Programs Director; and Tiffany & Company as a Visual Creative Director.

Here at Echelon Front, she leads a diverse team that oversees all business operations and events. Her team also coordinates Echelon Front engagements across the globe, ensuring a world-class client experience. Jamie embraces the mindset of Extreme Ownership and implements it across all aspects of her business and life.

As a speaker and Leadership Instructor, she makes the connection between the combat leadership principles of Extreme Ownership and how she implements them in her life as a business leader, woman, mother of three, and wife of a former Navy SEAL.

Jocko Willink is a retired U.S. Navy SEAL officer, co-author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win, Dichotomy of Leadership, host of the top-rated Jocko Podcast, and co-founder of Echelon Front, where he serves as Chief Executive Officer, leadership instructor, speaker and strategic advisor.

Jocko spent 20 years in the SEAL Teams, starting as an enlisted SEAL and rising through the ranks to become a SEAL officer. As commander of SEAL Team Three’s Task Unit Bruiser during the battle of Ramadi, he orchestrated SEAL operations that helped the “Ready First” Brigade of the U.S. Army’s First Armored Division bring stability to the violent, war-torn city. Task Unit Bruiser became the most highly decorated Special Operations Unit of the Iraq War.

Jocko Willink returned from Iraq to serve as Officer-in-Charge of training for all West Coast SEAL Teams. There, he spearheaded the development of leadership training and personally instructed and mentored the next generation of SEAL leaders who have continued to perform with great success on the battlefield. Jocko Willink is the recipient of the Silver Star, the Bronze Star, and numerous other personal and unit awards.

Upon retiring from the Navy, Jocko Willink co-founded Echelon Front, a premier leadership consulting company, where he teaches the leadership principles he learned on the battlefield to help others lead and win. Jocko also authored the Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual, a New York Times Bestseller, and the best selling Way of the Warrior Kid children’s book series.


NOV 5th - NOV 14th, 2024



Dave Berke is a retired US Marine Corps Officer, TOPGUN Instructor, and now a leadership instructor and speaker with Echelon Front, where he serves as Chief Development Officer. As a F/A-18 pilot, he deployed twice from the USS John C Stennis in support of combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. He spent three years as an Instructor Pilot at TOPGUN where he served as the Training Officer, the senior staff pilot responsible for the conduct of the TOPGUN course.

He then served as an ANGLICO Forward Air Controller supporting the Army’s 1st Armored Division during extensive urban combat operations on the ground in Ramadi, Iraq in 2006. Dave led his supporting arms liaison team on scores of combat missions into the most dangerous neighborhoods and accompanied SEAL Task Unit Bruiser on virtually every major operation in the Battle of Ramadi. He was the only Marine selected to fly the F-22 Raptor having served as an exchange officer at the Air Force’s 422nd Test and Evaluation Squadron as the Division Commander. He became the first operational pilot ever to fly and be qualified in the F-35B, serving as the Commanding Officer of the Marine Corps’ first F-35 squadron from 2012-2014.

Upon his retirement from the Marine Corps, Dave joined Echelon Front providing unmatched experience and a unique perspective on combat leadership, analytical decision making, risk mitigation, and creating winning teams. He serves as Echelon Front’s Chief Development Officer, as well as a leadership instructor, speaker, and strategic advisor.

Leif Babin is a former U.S. Navy SEAL officer, co-author of #1 New York Times bestseller Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win, & Co-founder of Echelon Front, where he serves as President,  leadership instructor, speaker, and strategic advisor.

A graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, Leif served thirteen years in the Navy, including nine in the SEAL Teams. As a SEAL platoon commander in SEAL Team Three’s Task Unit Bruiser, he planned and led major combat operations in the Battle of Ramadi that helped the “Ready First” Brigade of the US Army’s 1st Armored Division achieve victory. Task Unit Bruiser became the most highly decorated special operations unit of the Iraq War.

Leif returned from combat and became the primary leadership instructor for all officers graduating from the SEAL training pipeline. There, he reshaped SEAL leadership training to better prepare the next generation of SEAL officers for the immense challenges of combat. During his last tour, Leif served as Operations Officer and Executive Officer at a SEAL Team where he again deployed to Iraq with a Special Operations Task Force. He is the recipient of the Silver Star, two Bronze Stars, and a Purple Heart.

Upon his departure from active duty, Leif co-founded Echelon Front, a premier leadership consulting company that helps others build their own high-performance winning teams.

Key Course Takeaways




What people say?

The Classroom extends the already excellent leadership training program offered by Echelon Front. The books (EO, DoL, LST) provide a good entry into EO and readers gain a solid foundation of the principles and terminology. The On-demand courses facilitate developing a deeper understanding for EO principles and how to apply the principles in work and life. The format (short videos, exercises, quizzes) are excellent and well-designed. The Extreme Ownership Academy LIVE webinar is an essential weekly training session - like any skill, consistent practice is necessary to become better at leaderships. Because participants come from various discipline, EOA LIVE also helps to broaden perspectives (busting disciplinary silos) Hard to top, right? But Classroom did. Worth every penny. The Classroom's small-group setting and direct interaction with the instructor(s) are like immediate action drills to put your leadership skills to test. Each lesson is a 90-minutes relentless (but fun) drill to apply the EO principles you thought you understood, and might know in theory, but don't have the intuition yet to apply without thinking. You learn with and from fellow participants.
Thank you so much for sharing your time and expertise with me. By applying these concepts, I'm a better coworker, leader, man, husband, father ... it's hard to quantify the ROI but it's significant. It's not just paying off now - in my personal life as well as my professional life - I'm not steeped into a LIFESTYLE that will give me success continually. Thank you again, I look forward to participating in more events and courses as this is a skill I want to master and continue to be proficient at.
The Echelon Front classroom experience is nothing short of transformative. It's a dynamic, immersive environment where leadership principles aren't just taught—they're brought to life. Through this intensive program, I've gained invaluable insights directly from seasoned Echelon Front leaders. The lessons are clear, practical, and immediately applicable. I've left the classroom armed with straightforward, effective strategies that have had an instant positive impact on my leadership approach. This isn't just a course—it's a pivotal turning point for any professional serious about elevating their leadership skills.



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